“I should be writing,” I said to Bob after sharing an article and then thrumming through my newsfeed. That’s when the meme scrolled onto my screen. SHOULDN’T YOU BE WRITING RIGHT NOW?
Seriously. I had just said those words to Bob. And the meme appeared.
I laughed. Then I headed for my laptop and — in compliance with Writing Rule Number One — put my seat to the seat.
Synchronicity. It’s always at play. Paying attention and catching it is the key to getting down to it. Whatever the “it” of the moment is.
I’d been longing for time to process my experience at a recent writers’ retreat. I’d been wanting to explore what had come up and onto the page in response to brief prompts over four days. I’d been wanting to sit with my impressions and listen to the echos of shared words spoken by the “Salty Girls” who formed our circle of ten. I’d been wanting to revisit the interplay of voices — that of innocence and that of experience.
Re-entry had been interesting — life’s 10,000 joys & 10,000 sorrows dancing with and around me. Much needed my attention. Deserved it. Much distracted me. Much enthralled and enchanted me. And I was not writing.
As my way in, I’m sharing this with you, dear writers and creatives. I’m sharing this reminder that came to me when I needed a boot in the butt delivered with the lightness of laughter. A spritz to the heart, you might say. A reminder in the form of a question. A simple question.
Shouldn’t you be honoring your intentions — your promises to yourself?
I leave that question with you while I pull out the journey map I made on retreat … and the notes I took … and the words I put to paper … and the images rising to meet me.